by ssreasonings | Jun 15, 2017 | Coaches Corner, Free Resources
When we are being loved, we feel it vibrationally. Words do not even need to be spoken. We see it in the eyes of the one giving love. A good example of this is when your pet looks at you adoringly with those most trusting eyes. My daughter has a plague...
by ssreasonings | Jun 15, 2017 | Coaches Corner, Encouragement From The Heart Podcast, Food For Thought
We live in extremely stressful times. Many of the stress factors are out of our control and are unavoidable. Yet, a great deal of stress is what I call chosen stress. Are you adding induced stress into your already stress filled life? Listen in and find out just what...
by ssreasonings | May 8, 2017 | Coaches Corner, Food For Thought, Free Resources
It is not ours to decide whether someone is worthy of respect. The answer will always be the same – every creation is worthy of respect. We have the opportunity to make a decision about whether we can respect their actions, their behavior. We must respect who...
by ssreasonings | Apr 20, 2017 | Coaches Corner, Free Resources
To commit one stage further to your Life Spring Clean, complete this summary sheet to help you [sign up required] Join our mailing list and never miss an inspiring message from Sherry or upcoming news from A Voice of Reason. [Join NOW] and receive your Monthly Freebie...
by ssreasonings | Apr 17, 2017 | Coaches Corner, Food For Thought, Free Resources
When it is all said and done, only love matters. Our heart is like a magical kitchen and what is prepared in this kitchen can feed the whole world. Open your kitchen doors and come and enjoy. Life coaching helps you open your heart to new opportunities and...