
Dear Coach, My son recently graduated from college and traveling in Asia with his girlfriend. Upon their return, they have jobs in Chicago and will be living there. The girlfriend’s father called me and asked if the young couple was planning to live together. I...

Dirty Feet

Gandhi: “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with dirty feet.” I believe we all would be happier and more peaceful if we made sure no one was allowed to walk through our mind with their negative, critical and judgmental shoes on. Maybe we should post on the...

Second Guessing Yourself

Dear Coach, How do I stop second guessing myself and let myself feel confident about the decision I make? Dear Second Guesser, Often we have been told growing up that we don’t feel what we feel. This often creates doubt as we move through life. It is important to do...


Every successful endeavor, every successful person understands the importance of support. Mutual support amplifies our courage, faith and confidence. When you ask for support, you are giving another the opportunity to be a contribution. When you receive support you...