When we are being loved, we feel it vibrationally. Words do not even need to be spoken. We see it in the eyes of the one giving love. A good example of this is when your pet looks at you adoringly with those most trusting eyes.
My daughter has a plague in her home that says, “I want to be the person my dog thinks I am.” I want to be the best version of the highest vision I have for myself. We are here on purpose for purpose. From A Voice of Reason by Sherry Petro-Surdel
Are you living your life on purpose for purpose? Have you shared compassion and love from your eyes with someone today?
Are you tired of doing the same things over and over with little or no positive results? Are you ready for a real change in your life? Is support lacking in your life? I’m here to help you. Email or call me at 269-281-4944 to schedule your coaching session or to find out more information.