
It is not ours to decide whether someone is worthy of Respect.  The answer will always be the same – every creation of God is worthy of respect.  We may not be able to respect their actions but it is ours to respect their Being.  ~ Sherry Petro-Surdel from A Voice of...


Trust is a result of developing a deep connection to the Infinite, our Creator God.  Faith is what trust looks like when it transcends when we join our hearts in a faith based reality.  Trust in ourselves and say Yes to life!

Celebrate Consciousness

“In celebrating consciousness, you look around and bless your family, friends, co-workers, fellow travelers along the journey or life.  Bless the sunshine, the clouds, the trees, grass and flowers.  Without this sense of celebration, you are poor no matter what your...

Date With Destiny

We all have a date with Destiny.  Your date with Destiny is to live your life fully engaged.The legend of the lady that never lived:There once was a woman that lived her life carefullyShe never tried to danceShe never took a chanceNo one ever heard her laugh or cryShe...

Joy to the World

Every major religion recognizes we are here on purpose for purpose.  They may disagree on what our purpose is, but where the paths converge are in giving honor to a Source and contributing to highest good.  The best way to do that is to identify what brings you joy...