
We know we have learned the lesson of RESPECT when we treat ourselves and EVERYONE equally. Albert Einstein said “I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” May we all do the same!


I am you and you are me.  We exist interdependently.  As we work on ourselves personally, others benefit at the same time.  ~Thich Nhat Hanh

The Energy of Money

What we believe and think about money has much to do with our abundance or lack of it.  We are co-creaters with the source of all.  Our thoughts bring forth the creative energy that can create something into form.  Money itself has no intrinsic value other than what...

Giving and Growing

I have learned that I grow in the direct proportion to my willingness to give, to serve without an expectation of getting something in return.  Giving for the sheer JOY of it helps me be more of who I was created to be.  Try living this principle; ask not what others...