Don’t Take it Personally

Don Miguel Ruiz speaks about the agreement “Don’t Take it Personally” in his book The Four Agreements.  He suggests that what people think of you – good or not, is all about them, not you.  “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.”  Anis Nin When we...

Don't Take it Personally

Don Miguel Ruiz speaks about the agreement “Don’t Take it Personally” in his book The Four Agreements.  He suggests that what people think of you – good or not, is all about them, not you.  “We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are.”  Anis Nin When we...


A Dutch author, Touber in A Crash Course In Enlightenment asks and answers the following question: How do you get to know your own shadow so we may cast light on it? Answer:  By looking at what you are projecting onto others.  What bothers you in others?  What hurts...