by ssreasonings | Mar 18, 2015 | Inspirational Quotes
For us to survive, religious conformity will be replaced by unity and oneness. Religious organizations become less of instruments of Peace when they separate God’s creation. When doctrine becomes less important than a person and principles are demonstrated in actions...
by ssreasonings | Mar 16, 2015 | Sherry's Inspirational Quotes
Consider yourself as a team of three. Body, mind and spirit. This is truly the ultimate dream team. When have you last met with your team to dream? ~Sherry Petro-Surdel
by ssreasonings | Mar 13, 2015 | Sherry's Inspirational Quotes
When we are harmonizing and aligning our body, mind and spirit to the Light, we have no fear of the dark. ~Sherry Petro-Surdel
by ssreasonings | Mar 11, 2015 | Inspirational Quotes, Sherry's Inspirational Quotes
People will either inspire you or they will drain you; choose wisely. ~Hans F Hanson Now is a good time to take an inventory of the friends you have chosen. Do they drain you or inspire you? It has been said we tend to be the average of the five people we associate...
by ssreasonings | Mar 10, 2015 | Coaches Corner
Coach, can you please share your perspective on “The Art of Dreaming”? My version is shared with a question, why do we stop dreaming when we wake up?