Love or Fear

In Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Mastery of Love, he speaks of the energy of love going in two tracks.  Love which is Highest Energy and Selfish Fear which is Lower Energy or selfish survival thinking.  There is also the track of The Course in Miracles which teaches...

Divine Love

Sri Sthya Sai Baba explained the concept of Divine Love this way:  “It is only when you have the grace of knowing Divine Love that one can endeavor deeply into human love, just like you can only enjoy the breeze of a fan when you have both the fan and the...

When we are being loved

When we are being loved, we feel the vibrations of that connection.  Words do not even need to be spoken.  We see it in the eyes of the one giving love.  I see it when my dog and cat look at me adoringly with those most trusting eyes.  My daughter has a plaque in her...