Look Closely

“The unexamined life isn’t worth living.”  Socrates It can be a bit scary to become self-aware because it means we have to look at our most closely held beliefs and stories.  If we chose to not examine our life, we can’t fully live the authentic life and the authentic...

Thoughts and Your Body

Every thought that betrays your highest, most holy self is a betrayal that leads to both mental and physical suffering and unhappiness.  Speak kindly to your body, don’t betray the creation that supports your presence here. ~Sherry Petro-Surdel


Sri Stha Sai Baba explained Divine Love and human love this way: “It is only when you have the grace of knowing Divine Love can one endeavor deeply into human love, just like you can only enjoy the breeze of the a fan when you have both the fan and the electrical...